Watch online Egyptian protests fire attack in government building in Suez Egypt 26 January

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Watch online Egyptian protests fire attack in government building in Suez Egypt 26 January


Watch online A trop of police escaped from Egyptian protests Egypt 26 January

Watch online A trop of police escaped from Egyptian protests Egypt 26 January


Watch online Egyptian protests in subway train in Egypt 26 January

Watch online Egyptian protests in subway train in Egypt 26 January


Watch online Egyptian protesters attacks police cars and threw Molotov cocktails in government building

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Egyptian protesters threw Molotov cocktails at a government building in the port city of Suez on Wednesday, setting parts of the building on fire, witnesses said, on the second day of nationwide anti-government protests.

Otherwise a policeman and a protester were killed in central Cairo on Wednesday, medics said, bringing to six the death toll in Egypt's largest anti-government demonstrations in three decades.
Protesters lobbed firebombs at the headquarters of the ruling National Democratic Party in Suez, amid heavy clashes between protesters and police, who tried to disperse the crowd with tear gas and rubber bullets
70 people -- 55 protesters and 15 police officers -- were injured in the clashes


Watch online Anti-government protests in Egypt

Anti-government protests in Egypt


Watch online First man killed in anti-government protests in Egypt


Egyptian old woman challenge police tank in Egypt 25 January


Watch online Egyptian protests challenge police tank in Egypt 25 January

Egyptian protests challenge police tank in Egypt 25 January


Watch online Egyptian protests in fight with police in Egypt 25 January

Egyptian protests in fight with police in Egypt 25 January


Watch online How police treats with Egyptian protests in Egypt 25 January

How police treats with Egyptian protests in Egypt 25 January


Watch online Egyptian protests crashes any Mubarak thumbnails in Egypt 25 January

Egyptian protests crashes any Mubarak thumbnails in Egypt 25 January


Watch online The situation in Egypt 25 January

The situation in Egypt 25 January


Watch online anti-government protests in Egypt

During a day of anti-government protests in Egypt at least three people have been killed where the biggest rallies were held, state TV said a policeman had died in clashes. The two protesters died in Suez
It was very difficult for any one to record this minute but we did and now we publishing one of many that we will publish after short time


Watch online : Air crash of United Airlines Flight 232

Monday, January 24, 2011

United Airlines Flight 232 was a scheduled flight operated by United Airlines between Denver and Philadelphia via Chicago. On July 19, 1989, the Douglas DC-10 (Registration N1819U) being operated for this flight suffered an uncontained failure of its number 2 engine (mounted in the tail), which destroyed all three of the aircraft's hydraulic systems. With no controls working except the power levers for the two remaining engines, it broke up during an emergency landing on the runway at Sioux City, Iowa killing 110 of its 285 passengers and one of the 11 crew members. Owing to the skill of the crew and a DC-10 instructor pilot, 175 passengers and 10 crew members survived the crash, which is considered a textbook example of successful Crew Resource Management, due to the effective use of all the resources available aboard the plane for help during the emergency


Watch online : The Last Days of World War II - Last Secrets of the Axis

One of the most compelling stories of World War II concerns the origins of the unlikely alliance between the Axis powers. While many people imagine that the union was forged along the lines of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," the real story is far more complicated. LAST SECRETS OF THE AXIS picks up where the popular HISTORY CHANNEL special THE SAMURAI AND THE SWASTIKA left off, examining the remarkable historical confluence that led to the rise of German-Japanese cooperation. At the heart of story is Karl Haushofer, a geography professor (and the man who coined the term "geopolitics"). The program explores the professor's convoluted role, following him from the origins of the Reich to the Nuremberg Trials. LAST SECRETS also reveals details of many overlooked engagements, including a coup in Iraq, backed by German and Italian forces, that had the long-term goal of establishing a Persian Gulf base for Japanese submarines! From unsung battles to back-room dealings, this is a compelling examination of the LAST SECRETS OF THE AXIS


Watch online : The Obama Deception secrets

The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery. We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. and only by exposing the con can we help to save freedom in America. The Obama Deception is not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation. Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda, and how his initial appointments and actions prove he serves the corporate oligarchs, not the American people.


Watch online : THE Venezuela REVOLUTION did NOT BE TELEVISED



Watch online : GULF WAR SYNDROME - Killing Our Own soldiers

After the Vietnam War, hundreds of thousands of U.S. veterans suffered toxic reactions, neurological damage, and rare cancers due to exposure to 2,4,5,-D and 2,4,5-T dioxin that was used in the form of the defoliant Agent Orange. Unfortunately, the U.S. military denied the problem and failed to heed any of the lessons of this chemical butchery. Instead, it expanded its harmful legacy to the current generation of soldiers and civilians exposed to new, more deadly chemical toxins in the Persian Gulf. Join accomplished filmmaker Gary Null, PhD, as he explores the real truth about Gulf War Syndrome and the secrets about chemical and germ warfare that the U.S. government is hiding from its veterans and the public. Dr. Null uncovers the hidden truths about Gulf War Syndrome, including the deadly and toxic effects of armor-piercing radioactive depleted uranium, the use of experimental and risky vaccines on over 1,100,000 U.S. troops, and the indescribable chemical contamination and environmental devastation that the military caused during the Persian Gulf Wars.


Watch online : 9-11 Justice Dick Cheney conspiracy

a brief but carefully presented and supported criminal indictment of George Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard Myers, and Condoleeza Rice for murder in the events of 9-11, presenting all the best evidence in a concise but powerful manner. It includes Larry Silverstein's admission that the explosives were used; and Norman Mineta's identification of Dick Cheney as the person who gave the order not to scramble jets, or fire any weapons in defense of the Pentagon.


Watch online : The Greatest Lie Evers Sold about 911

Only by"Exposing the Creators" of the first World Trade Center bombing in (1993), could we have prevented the creation of the second bombing of the World Trade Center on 9-11! We failed to make it ... "PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE" that the 1993 bombing was - Encouraged by "AGENT PROVOCATUERS" of the FB-LIE The fact is U.S. taxpayers "bought the bomb." Worse still, since September 11, 2001 most of America's sheeple "BOUGHT THE LIE" that 19 angered Arabs & Osama bin Laden carried out the greatest act of terror in U.S. history The stark, raw reality is that the 9-11 "story" is THE GREATEST LIE EVER SOLD. American's are being prepped for the next "staged event" Agents of the CIA, FBI, NSA, and the propaganda press will then white-wash "USAMA BIN BUSH!" Rumsfeld, Cheney, Ashcroft, Kissinger & crew will blame the innocent to protect the guilty What's it all about? Bush & zee Boys from der "Brotherhood of Death," "Skull & Bones" are preparing us for a POLICE STATE. Bush will try to surrender the Constitution & Bill of Rights. His goal? - establish a "New World Order" WARNING: This video contains no lies, or "White House" spin


Watch online : Afghanistan, Drugs, Guns and Money

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Afghanistan way in the future, how can the peopole of afghanistan defeet the demon of drug agriculture?


Watch online : America In Vietnam 10thousand day war


Watch online : The Oil Factor on the War on Terror

Narrated by Ed Asner. Keywords: Persian Gulf War, United Nations, U.N., in violation of international law, bombings, illegal, marc garlasco, weaponry, iraqi leadership, mohamed assan, president george w. bush, administration, andrew shlapak, karen kwiatkowski, saddam hussein, zbigniew brzezinski, weapons of mass destruction, wmd, pnac, project for the new american century, vice president dick cheney, donald rumsfeld, paul wolfowitz, jeb bush, new world order, nwo, neocons, neo-cons, gary schmitt, randa habib, ahmed chalabi, george tenet, john negroponte, cia, covert operations, energy supplies, mike, michael c. ruppert, oil consumption, supply, demand, economy, economics, pierre-marie gallois, supplies, nepdg, noam chomsky, david mulholland, pipelines, price of oil, dathar al kahar, refinery, refineries, fields, drilling, radioactive, radioactivity, du, depleted uranium, uranium 238, 234, 235, toxicity, cancers, birth defects, contamination, paul bremer, dyncorp, halliburton, national security council, nsc, bechtel, guantanamo bay, defense contractors, kellogg, brown & root, detention concentration camps, elizabeth hodgkin, abu ghraib, governments covered up, osama bin laden, taliban, al qaeda, natural gas, ahmed rashid, mullah omar, enemy combatants, geneva convention, hamed karzai, opium poppies, heroin, anti coalition forces, resources, terrorism


Watch online : Soviet war in Afghanistan - True story

Documentary "Pain and Hope of Afghanistan" Production of USSR Department of Defense, 1979 - 1989


Watch online: Obama's War

Can U.S. forces succeed in a land long known as the "graveyard of empires?"


Watch online: When Julian Assange talked

The WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange talks about secrets, leaks and explained how and why all of that happened


watch online: Rape in the City

Saturday, January 22, 2011

In the wake of two recent, high-profile cases in which young women were brutally attacked and raped by groups of young men, journalist Sorious Samura investigates gang rape in the UK.
Using data collected from various sources, including the crown courts, barristers and rape referral centres, Dispatches attempts to discover the extent and cause of the problem. Four young victims describe their traumatic experiences, while Samura also talks to groups of teenagers about their attitudes to sex and relationships. He is appalled to hear what the boys consider to be acceptable sexual activity and the fears expressed by the girls.


Watch online: Innocents Betrayed

This documentary effectively shatters gun control myths and fallacies. Owning a firearm is not a privilege – it’s a basic right. In fact, it’s the basic right to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Throughout History, there has been a disturbing pattern: sooner or later (often sooner than later), disarmed populations become the hapless victims of tyrannical governments and criminals.


Watch online: Blood and Oil - The Middle East in World War I

Examines the devastating conflict and Western political intrigue that laid the foundation for wars, coups, revolts and military interventions in the Middle East. After the end of World War I, most of the Ottoman Empire was carved up into "spheres of influence," controlled mostly by the British and French. The remaining territories became the modern state of Turkey in 1923 - after a five-year struggle by Turkish nationalists against Western domination. Written and produced by Marty Callaghan ("Archives of War," "Remember Pearl Harbor: America Taken by Surprise"), this feature-length documentary film follows conflict from the Ottoman Empire's entry into the Great War in October 1914 to the Allied victory and declaration of the new Turkish Republic in 1923, and the hostilities that have plagued the region since. 


Watch online: Iraq's Secret War Files full parts

In the biggest official files leak in history nearly 400,000 Iraq war logs reveal the massive scale of civilian deaths and new torture allegations following an investigation by Channel 4′s Dispatches.
Channel 4 News has accessed the data in the classified documents via The Bureau of Investigative Journalism and WikiLeaks.


Watch online: The Assassination of Martin Luther King

Was it really a lone racist named James Earl Ray that killed Martin Luther King or was his assassination part of a much bigger plan? And why was the FBI treating Martin Luther King like a threat?


Watch online: The FBI's War on Black America

Through a secret program called the Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), there was a concerted effort to subvert the will of the people to avoid the rise “of a black Messiah” that would mobilize the African-American community into a meaningful political force. This documentary establishes historical perspective on the measures initiated by J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI which aimed to discredit black political figures and forces of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.


Watch online: The 638 ways to kill Castro full Parts

638 Ways to Kill Castro is a documentary film which tells the story of some of the numerous attempts to kill Cuba's leader Fidel Castro. The film reveals multiple methods of assassination, from exploding cigars to femme fatales; a radio station rigged with noxious gas to a poison syringe posing as an innocuous ballpoint pen. Fabian Escalante, the former head of Cuban Intelligence, the man who has had the job of protecting Castro for many of the 48 years hes been in power, alleges that there were over 600 plots and conspiracies known to Cuban agents. 


Watch online: Who Really Killed Robert Kennedy?

According to the official coroner's report, the gun firing the fatal shots had to be less than 1-inch from the back of Kennedy's head. Eyewitness accounts put Sirhan Sirhan no closer than 1-3 feet in front of the man. Why were bullet-ridden ceiling tiles removed? Did investigators ignore conflicting testimony and destroy evidence? Why? This tape answers these questions and more


Watch online: JFK II – the Bush Connection

this movie proves that JFK’s assassination was perpetrated by forces within our own government.The author of this documentary takes it even a step further and shows how George Bush Senior is connected to the murder of JFK.
A thoroughly documented criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt, his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to murder John Kennedy.Relies exclusively on government documents and the publicly acknowledged statements and histories of the guilty parties.
The most shocking thing about the assassination is not the brutality of it.It was brutal, certainly. But the most amazing thing is the way the established media today managed to pretend that there is any question about whether his murder was a conspiracy. JFK II reveals the truth about the JFK assassination on November 22, 1963. Still today, over forty years later, the official government story featuring the “magic bullet theory” is considered part of history.


Watch online: The Perfect Vagina

What began as a wander through the wacky world of genital plastic surgery became a passionate documentary about modern femininity, The Perfect Vagina. After My Penis and Everyone Else's, it’s now time to look at women's insecurities.Women are undergoing surgery to create perfect genitalia amid a “shocking” lack of information on the potential risks of the procedure, a report says. Research published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology also questions the very notion of aesthetically pleasing genitals.


FDR Pearl Harbor Conspiracy

Friday, January 21, 2011

film investigates theorys on pearl harbor and possible conspiracy(s) there has been much debate as to how and why the United States had been caught unaware, and how much and when American officials knew of Japanese plans and related topics. Some argue that various parties knew of the attack in advance and may even have let it happen or encouraged it in order to force America into war. 


History of Freemasonry

Tour of masonry illuminati, conspiracy theory, new world order, religion


The Conspiracy Files Lockerbie

The Conspiracy Files - Lockerbie_ In 1988, Britain's worst terrorist attack left 270 people dead. We follow the trail of evidence, investigating the claims surrounding the Lockerbie bombing. Some upsetting scenes


The Truth Behind The Moon Landings

Documentary debunking the conspiracy theories surrounding the first moon landing


watch online 3rd reich last Secrets

Evidence of the use of extra terrestrial technology. One of the lasr great mysteries of the 20th century is the occult past of the 3rd reich, and membership of secret societies by some of its leading exponents. The question as to whether these people were aware of the existence of lost extraterrestrial technologies, once applied by past advanced cultures, is raised by completely new research, supported by historical documents and original film footage of the period. Were the disk-shaped flying objects (UFOs), driven by anti-gravitation forces, actually constructed?. Test pilots, engineers and investigators explain the Nazi programme for space travel and contact with aliens. Look at the evidence and decide for urself. keywords; ufo conspiracy illuminati mars coverup secret space programm antigravity free energy nazi technology atlantis


watch online Strike Against UFO

This is literally smoking gun evidence of hostile military action towards advanced extraterrestrial spacecraft, photographed during NASA Space Shuttle mission STS-48


watch online most detailed video of the WTC attacks

Here is a never before-released video of the WTC attacks. This has to be the clearest and most detailed video surrounding the terrorist attack on the towers. The video is graphic in depicting the collapse of the first tower.


watch online The Secret Government

This is the full length 90 min. version of Bill Moyer's 1987 scathing critique of the criminal subterfuge carried out by the Executive Branch of the United States Government to carry out operations which are clearly contrary to the wishes and values of the American people. The ability to exercise this power with impunity is facilitated by the National Security Act of 1947. 


watch online untold Secrets Of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was a world-renowned Serb-American inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer and electrical engineer. Tesla is regarded as one of the most important inventors in history. Tesla was regarded as a mad scientist and became noted for making bizarre


watch online CIA Secret Wars

The history of the terrorism conducted by the CIA, since the end of the World War II when countries in Asia and Latin America, were trying to make changes to improve their economical and political situation, the Unite States of North America realized that it was not good for their status as new super power; and began a new campaign, with only one rule, Anything Goes. This is the story of the terrorism of the CIA.


watch online CIA Drug Conspiracy

The Secret History: CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy (unaired documentary)


watch online great Lies of CIA

This feature length documentary about medical madness, cloaked in bioterrorism preparedness, will awaken the brain dead. It exposes health officials, directed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), for conducting a “War of Terror” that is killing millions of unwitting Americans. This urgent life-saving DVD comes without copyright restrictions. Every viewer is encouraged to reproduce and distribute copies to others. Donations to Tetrahedron Films to cover costs and produce more films like this are greatly appreciated online at or by calling toll free 1-888-508-4787. You can screen the film on behalf of local charities. 


Watch online shame secrets of CIA

This documentary explains how CIA pioneered, developed, manipulated prisoner abuse, sold drugs, changed regimes and killed millions of people worldwide.


test for rebublish

Thursday, January 20, 2011

test for rebublish



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